Now hiring: part time office & events assistant
Now hiring: part time office & events assistant
The Newton-Needham Regional Chamber is looking for a friendly, outgoing and organized individual to help out in our busy office and occasionally at events. This is perfect for an undergraduate or professional seeking part time employment to build their skill set and make connections within the local business community.
You’ll work a flexible schedule in the chamber’s Newton office during normal business hours, and a few times per month you may be required to work a weekday morning or evening event (with advanced notice).
Responsibilities include assisting with daily administrative tasks, including answering phones, customer service, website and database management and helping to plan and facilitate our wide variety of programs and events.
Candidates should have strong interpersonal and writing skills. Interest or experience in marketing, economic development, public relations or event planning is a plus.
To apply: Email cover letter and resume to Chamber President Greg Reibman at
About the Chamber:
The Newton-Needham Regional Chamber is a busy, not-for- profit membership organization comprised of 750+ businesses and non-profits. Our mission is to champion our communities’ economic and cultural vitality through education, advocacy and networking. We have a small staff but a large, committed, volunteer corps. Everyone on our team must be open to participating in all aspects of the chamber’s daily operations.