A big and important week in Watertown

A big and important week in Watertown
A reminder that the big three-day charrette where we all get a chance to weigh in on the future of Watertown Square begins Tuesday evening.
It’s not necessary to attend all the events to bring value to the conversation.
It's also not necessary that you live in Watertown to share ideas, hopes, likes and dislikes about Watertown Square.
In fact, it’s important that business owners and anyone who works, shops, dines, travels though, or might want to one day start a business, work or live there be heard too.
Watertown Square Area Plan Charrette details
- When: Tuesday Nov. 28, 6:30pm, through Thursday Nov. 30, 2023, 8:30pm
- Where: 64 Pleasant Street, Watertown MA
The charrette starts Tuesday evening, Nov. 28, 2023 (6:30pm - 8:30pm), with an existing conditions analysis.
Then Wednesday and Thursday during the morning and afternoon (see schedule below), the project team and city staff will invite input as the team sketches options for Watertown Square’s challenges.
On Wednesday night there will be an “interim progress drop-in session” for members of the public to see and informally discuss the day’s work.
Breakout sessions
Each session will focus on a key issue in developing a Watertown Square Area Plan. These sessions are in addition to the drop-in opportunities and general meetings scheduled during the three-day charrette. All working group sessions will be held on the 2nd floor at 64 Pleasant Street.
Thursday evening, the consultant team will present scenarios that will inform the next phase of our project and vision of Watertown Square.
The Intersection: How can we make it work for all modes--and support the Square we want? (Weds 10-11 AM)
- This session will consider alternative ways for personal automobiles, shared transit, pedestrians, bicyclists, and freight to move through Watertown Square. A focus will be on how alternative designs meet other critical goals: lively public spaces and interaction, thriving businesses, open spaces, and an environmentally-sustainable Square. On-street parking, loading zones, street trees and landscape buffers are part of the discussion.
Urban Form: What should the Square look like--building scale, public realm and more? (Weds 11:30 AM-12:30 PM)
- The built environment involves choices about building dimensions (heights, setbacks, etc.) ground floor activation, parking, energy efficiency, historic assets and building placement/ facades. The session will also include the public realm (e.g., plazas, parks, street trees and furniture) and private realm (privately-owned spaces that may have more limited access).
Strategic Sites: How do we design for these key development opportunities around the Square? (Weds 2-3 PM)
- The Watertown Square study area has several significant opportunities for a combination of development and public realm. This session will consider options for important sites, including the Watertown Yard (owned by the MBTA) and the parking area behind the municipal/private-owned buildings on Main Street. These sites could also be opportunities for public/private partnerships and for a combination of development and public realm uses.
Destination Square: How we design a Square where small business can thrive? (Thurs, 10-11 AM)
- Our small businesses need a built environment that helps them thrive. This session will focus on conversation about public and private infrastructure, parking requirements and locations, allowing spaces that provide outdoor (or flexible indoor/outdoor) dining and commerce, where first floor activation is need, and public spaces/uses that can become a destination.
MBTA Zoning: How do we get to the 1,701 zoned units we need under the new law? (Thurs, 11:30 AM-12:30 PM)
- By the end of 2024, Watertown must comply with the MBTA Communities law by creating a zoning district that allows multifamily housing by right at or over 15 units an acre and has the capacity for 1,701 units. The discussion will build on the prior sessions by exploring options for district boundaries, density and required features.
More information about the design charrette schedule and the Watertown Square Area Plan is here
See you there!
Greg Reibman (he, him)
President & CEO
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