Newton at Home

Newton at Home
Elder Care Services Nonprofit Health & Human Services Nonprofit & Civic Organizations
Newton at Home is a member-led, volunteer-driven nonprofit that provides older adults in Newton with the information and resources to optimize choices for healthy, independent aging wherever they call home. Through programming, services, and strategic partnerships, we strive to bolster community health across Newton, promote intergenerational ties, support at-risk low-income seniors, and ease access to health-care.
We provide a variety of personalized services and programs that help combat social isolation and meet the essential daily needs of our members, including: transportation, taking out trash, small repairs around the house, grocery shopping, help with technology, friendly visits, and phone check-in calls. We also offer a rich and varied monthly schedule of programs and activities (walks, lectures, museum visits, meals, performances, and special events) that promote lifelong learning as well as member health and engagement.